Learn the most popular song in any region of the world

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Thanks to the Internet, we have reached many information and services in a quick and just a click. The Internet has today made the world a very small village, and facilitated communication among people to a great extent we never imagined before. The Internet is one of the necessities that the world can not live without. It is the center of economy, money, communication, etc.

One of the things we use on the Internet is listening to music. Thanks to services like YouTube and Spotify, listening to music from other parts of the world is easy. But if you want to know what song 1 is in each area, More work and research.
But fortunately, there are some services that appear on the Internet that will ease all the odds, including these services "PRESENTS EMPIRE RECORDS" which reduces the search for you and offers you the most heard song in more than 3000 cities around the world.

The service is a map of the world, updated periodically, and includes the most listening songs in more than 3000 cities around the world, you just have to choose the region and will be the number 1 song in that area. The portal does not require any download of any device or program on your computer, It works directly on our browsers. In the top right there is a search box where we can locate a specific area, and on the right there is a list of global results.
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