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Google launches "Gmail Go"

Google officially announced the launch of a new version of its Gmail service, the new version called "Gmail Go", aimed at low-specification devices.

Last summer, Google launched its light version of the Android Go system, which operates on low-tech devices deployed in developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Since then, it has launched applications that are compatible with this. the system.

Google said that its new application, "Gmail Go" is lighter than the original application as the size does not exceed 10 and 25 megabytes at loading and works on devices whose size does not exceed the capacity of random 512 MB, and it works the same features in the original application, but consumes energy And data much less.

Search engine to download sound effects for free.

If you are the owner of a channel on YouTube or you are only working in the editing and editing of videos, there is no doubt that you will need a set of sound effects. Most content makers may need these audio backgrounds to integrate them in their clips, which gives the video professional touch and make the user watching.

But as everyone knows getting these audio backgrounds may take some time especially for beginners, so today I suggest you search engine for these sound effects.

The site is called "Findsounds", a search engine for sound effects is very useful to access the thousands of sound backgrounds and download them for free, the site shorten a lot of effort, just type the word you want in the search box and the site will give you hundreds of results, Any audio effect before downloading.

In the main interface of the site there is a list of many of the votes according to their classification, such as the sounds of animals, cars, human, nature, etc.

For the first time .. Robots participate in the Olympic Games!

On the sidelines of the Winter Olympics in South Korea, the first robot test was conducted in the ice skating race, opening a new door to these machines, which have become something else.

On the sidelines of the Winter Olympics in South Korea, the media focused on the so-called "Ski Robot Challenge". Eight robots were designed by companies specializing in this field to see how well they can meet the same challenges as humans.

In the end, the robot "Taekwon V" of the "Mini Robot Corp" win, and through the experience shows that the designers of these robots still have a lot of work to design a robot that simulates the method of human skating professionally.

YouTube poised to launch a new feature

The YouTube platform has launched a new feature that will enable users to learn channels and videos that are funded in whole or in part by countries in order to make their users fully transparent.

According to YouTube, it will henceforth place a message in the form of a message below the video to show users that the channel in question is funded entirely or partially by the countries. YouTube has started this with Radio Free Asia, funded by Government of the United States of America.

The information provided by YouTube on government-funded channels will be based on Wikipedia, and so far the new feature is only available to US users, and YouTube will circulate it to other users later.

Here's the best site to charge your phone from PayPal in seconds

Sometimes you may need to recharge your phone to make an urgent call but you do not have the money in your pocket or you are in a place far from the point of sale, but in this post will help you to solve this problem where you will be on a site that will enable you to recharge your phone easily through Paypal Or your bank card.
The site is called ding. It is a well-known site that I have used several times. I have not had any problem. The phone balance is shipped within seconds after the completion of the steps, and the usage is simple and you only need to access the site from here, choose your country and put your phone number.

After entering the number, the site will automatically identify the service provider for your number, and you will be asked to choose the amount you want to charge your phone and then click on below to continue payment or payment.

In the end you choose the payment method you want such as PayPal, after payment less you will get the balance to your phone in seconds.

A free course on how to build a Professional Cog Killer in C ++ ($ 200)

Today I offer you a new free course priced at $ 200, you can take advantage of them now before the offer ends.

The course we are talking about today will be about how to build a Professional Killer for C ++, and a 7.5-hour session with the possibility of requesting a certificate from the site.

The course is excellent if you want to learn advanced level of C ++ programming language or build your advanced keylogger from scratch. The latter will be able to record everything typed on the keyboard and mouse, and send a record of everything that has been recorded via your email.

The course is provided by IT expert Ermin Kriponik on the platform, will be in English, and is available on 12 axes and you can get it for free by clicking here

Why you should delete Flash Player on your device now!

As we all know, among the most powerful methods of protection in the field of technology and technology is awareness, and with the continuous development of methods and methods of penetration, you should always be a follower of every new in this field, as well as take care of some necessary steps to protect your device from penetration, Programs, not downloading from anonymous sources, etc.

In this post you will learn about a new and dangerous vulnerability to Flash. Flash is one of the programs from Adobe, and it is considered one of the most vulnerable programs and has caused the penetration of many computers and devices in recent years. Because of its security vulnerability, it has been abandoned by many companies, including Google, Mozilla, and even Microsoft. Its alternative appears safer. But even so, there are those who still use this program.

Recently, a new loophole has been discovered in this program that exists even in the latest version of the program and allows the hacker to control your device remotely. It spreads to a fake Excel file in which a flash file is located. According to Adobe's warning, this vulnerability exists in the versions of Apple Mac computers Linux and Chrome OS as well as Windows.

To protect your device, it is recommended that you uninstall Flash Player, and do not open any suspicious Office documents on your computer.

Appls will help you hide all your photos and files on your phone and take a picture of anyone trying to open them...

Some of us may need to store their personal and important files on their phone, but we are afraid that these files will be snooped on when you lend your phone to someone else for a phone call or other purpose, so I will give you the best applications that will help you hide your photos and important files about hackers.

This application is the best application in this area, where you can store your files files and organize them in folders to be able to access them quickly, and these applications give you alerts trying to break the password and here where automatically take a photo of Sylvie of the person who tried it.

This application is not very different from the previous application where it is also allowed to protect your files by storing it inside and protect it via password, style, fingerprint sensor or other.

This application is considered the best of these applications. This application not only allows you to hide images and videos, but also allows you to hide all your phone data, such as contacts, contact history, SIM card data or even applications. Information about you.
You can also hide application icons from the main screen, and the application also includes an Internet browser, a hidden browser that works on browsing without leaving any trace or record.

For the first time: team of police with smart glasses with facial recognition technology

China is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the public sphere, especially in the security field. Having pioneered the introduction of robots into the field and has identified its citizens through electronic identity, new reports indicate that it has equipped police with smart glasses.

It may be a precedent in this area among the countries of the world, where many international media specialized, citing local media that the Chinese police have already equipped smart glasses incorporating facial recognition technology, and will enable this technology to detect suspicious people, especially at the level of gatherings Large.

These new smart glasses are developed by the Chinese company LLVision Technology, which enables video imaging, equipped with facial recognition technology, but is linked to another device that has a database that enables identification of people.

While many hailed the technique, others point out that the new measure is part of the crackdown on public freedoms, which they accuse Chinese authorities of taking.

Robot in Japan deliver news in TV

After the controversial "Sophia" robot, a new robot is emerging in Japan today, as the robot has been developed to provide newsletters in this Asian country.

As for Sofia, Erica is a robot on the body of a woman like humans, designed by Japanese Hiroshi Ishiguru, whose main function will be to read the news on Japanese TV news from the second quarter of this year and exactly in April .

Erica, who appears young in her 20s, will be able to read the news as well as interact with and answer her questions with a special algorithm of artificial intelligence technology.

please if you like the information give us a comment.

Download now the fastest version of Opera browser (faster than Firefox 38%)

Opera, one of the most popular browsers on the Internet, first appeared in 1995 and has since been continuously developed and has many loyal users around the world. The browser keeps up with new developments, making it among many users' choices.

We know very well that Opera is trying in every way to attract more users to its browser, whether on desktop or phones and tablets. This is the best way to develop the browser to be much faster than the rest of the competing browsers, and this is exactly what the company did in its new version No. 51, which was announced in recent weeks and became available for download to all.

The company has improved the performance of the browser and is about 38% faster than the other browser version of the Firefox browser. The browser also has many features that each Internet browser searches for as a built-in ad blocker that has helped reduce the loading time of webpages in very important proportions and the VPN feature that has been integrated into the browser since the old versions.

There are also new and innovative features, such as the ability to jump to the top of the page or go back to the place you were in any page, and this feature is very important when you browse the pages long, just click on the page title in the tab will go to the top of the page and another click you can go back to the place Where you are in order to continue reading or exploring content. There are many other features that you will discover yourself.

Facebook testing a new button

US media outlets have noted that Facebook is currently testing a new button for users of the "Dislake" button.

Many sources in the past have pointed out that Facebook intends to include the button Dislak or "I did not like," but Mark Zuckerberg, executive director and founder of the site has announced on many occasions that this is not on the table, for several reasons, the most important of which is abuse of this feature.

On the other hand, Facebook will launch an alternative to this button, where the test of the button "Downvote" new button that will enable users to report posts that they see inappropriate, and after pressing the button a number of choices appear to the user to justify his decision.

Facebook is testing the new button in less than five percent of users of Android application in the United States of America, and if successful test may be Downvote button is an effective way to fight the content of deceptive and forgiven.